Sunday, 23 December 2012


from Johns Hopkins
1. Every person has cancer cells in the
body. These cancer cells do not show up in
the standard tests until they have
multiplied to a few billion. When doctors
tell cancer patients that there are no more
cancer cells in their bodies after
treatment, it just means the tests are
unable to detect the cancer cells because
they have not reached the detectable size.
2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more
than 10 times in a person's lifetime.
3. When the person's immune system is
strong the cancer cells will be destroyed
and prevented from multiplying and
forming tumors.
4. When a person has cancer it indicates
the person has multiple nutritional
deficiencies. These could be due to
genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle
5. To overcome the multiple nutritional
deficiencies, changing diet and including
supplements will strengthen the immune
6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the
rapidly-growing cancer cells and also
destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells in
the bone marrow, gastro-intestinal tract
etc, and can cause organ damage, like liver,
kidneys, heart, lungs etc.
7. Radiation while destroying cancer cells
also burns, scars and damages healthy cells,
tissues and organs.
8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy
and radiation will often reduce tumor size.
However prolonged use of chemotherapy
and radiation do not result in more tumor
9. When the body has too much toxic
burden from chemotherapy and radiation
the immune system is either compromised
or destroyed, hence the person can
succumb to various kinds of infections and
10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause
cancer cells to mutate and become
resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgery
can also cause cancer cells to spread to
other sites.
11. An effective way to battle cancer is to
STARVE the cancer cells by not feeding it
with foods it needs to multiple.
What cancer cells feed on:
a. Sugar is a cancer-feeder. By cutting off
sugar it cuts off one important food supply
to the cancer cells. Note: Sugar substitutes
like NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc are
made with Aspartame and it is harmful. A
better natural substitute would be Manuka
honey or molasses but only in very small
amounts. Table salt has a chemical added
to make it white in colour. Better
alternative is Bragg's aminos or sea salt.
b. Milk causes the body to produce mucus,
especially in the gastro-intestinal tract.
Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk
and substituting with unsweetened soy
milk, cancer cells will starved.
c. Cancer cells thrive in an acid
environment. A meat-based diet is acidic
and it is best to eat fish, and a little
chicken rather than beef or pork. Meat also
contains livestock antibiotics, growth
hormones and parasites, which are all
harmful, especially to people with cancer.
d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables
and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a
little fruits help put the body into an
alkaline environment. About 20% can be
from cooked food including beans. Fresh
vegetable juices provide live enzymes that
are easily absorbed and reach down to
cellular levels within 15 minutes t o
nourish and enhance growth of healthy
To obtain live enzymes for building healthy
cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice
(most vegetables including bean sprouts)
and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times
a day. Enzymes are destroyed at
temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees
e. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which
have high caffeine. Green tea is a better
alternative and has cancer-fighting
properties. Water--best to drink purified
water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins
and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled
water is acidic, avoid it.
12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and
requires a lot of digestive enzymes.
Undigested meat remaining in the
intestines will become putrified and leads
to more toxic buildup.
13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein
covering. By refraining from or eating less
meat it frees more enzymes to attack the
protein walls of cancer cells and allows the
body's killer cells to destroy the cancer
14. Some supplements build up the
immune system (IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac,
anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, EFAs etc.)
to enable the body's own killer cells to
destroy cancer cells. Other supplements
like vitamin E are known to cause
apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the
body's normal method of disposing of
damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells.
15. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body,
and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit
will help the cancer warrior be a survivor.
Anger, unforgiving and bitterness put the
body into a stressful and acidic
environment. Learn to have a loving and
forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy
16. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an
oxygenated environment. Exercising daily,
and deep breathing help to get more
oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen
therapy is another means employed to
destroy cancer cells.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Healthy ways to start the Day

When you start your morning with good habits, you're setting yourself up for success all day long! Try one (or all!) of these eight smart a.m. tips for a healthier you. 

Wake Up Earlier

When you have a stressful morning, chances are that you're going to be feeling stressed for many hours to come. But it doesn't have to be that way! By simply waking up 20-30 minutes earlier than necessary, you can enjoy a leisurely morning without the usual hustle and bustle. Although that snooze button may be tempting, starting the day on a calm note thanks to that extra time is more than worth it! Plus, every time you hit "snooze," those interrupted spurts of sleep will only leave you feeling more tired.

Eat Breakfast

You've been sleeping for seven to eight hours or more, so your body needs fuel to wake up your metabolism and help you power through your morning. Eating breakfast prevents you from overeating throughout the day, and people who eat an a.m. meal are less likely to be overweight than people who skip it.

Ideally, your breakfast should include a combination of protein, whole grains, and healthy fats. Milk  with cereal and fruit, or upma with curd or vegetable paratha with curd or whole wheat bread with omlette are all excellent a.m. options.

Veg Out

Once you've gotten in the habit of eating breakfast, take it one step further and try to sneak in a serving of veggies or fruit with your morning meal. Add some mushrooms and tomatoes into your omelet, or add veggies in your upma or fruit in the cereal.

Take a Multivitamin

Although you should strive to get all the nutrients you can from your food, after 40 yrs taking a multivitamin will help you fill in the gaps in case you fall short on any given nutrient during the day. Think of it as your nutritional insurance policy! Make sure to take your vitamin with your breakfast to avoid an upset stomach.

Drink Water

You're going to need something to wash down your multi-vitamin with--so gulp a big glass of water! Not only are your fuel stores depleted when you wake up, but you're also probably mildly dehydrated. Drinking water first thing in the morning will help boost your metabolism, flush out toxins, and get your systems up and running. If you make this habit as regular as brushing your teeth, you may just start to notice higher a.m. energy levels.

Sneak in Exercise

Working out in the morning is one of the best things you can do to get yourself on track for the day. Not only will you not have to worry about exercising later on in the evening, but you'll also feel proud that you did something good for your body while most people were still asleep! Early morning you will also get much needed Vit D from sunlight and less polluted enviornment.

Stretch it Out

If a full-blown workout isn't going to happen for you in the early hours, try a simple stretching routine, instead. You'll still get your blood and endorphins flowing, while centering your mind.

Jot Your Thoughts

If your a.m. routine leaves you feeling scatterbrained by the time the sun is up, you may benefit from taking a few minutes to write down your morning thoughts.  You can even write a to-do list to organize yourself before the craziness of the day happens.

Mini Stress Busting Techniques

Mini-relaxations are stress busters you can reach for any time. These techniques can ease your fear at the dentist’s office, thwart stress before an important meeting, calm you wh
en stuck in traffic, or help you keep your cool when faced with people or situations that irritate you. Whether you have one minute or three, these exercises work.

When you’ve got one minute

Place your hand just beneath your navel so you can feel the gentle rise and fall of your belly as you breathe. Breathe in. Pause for a count of three. Breathe out. Pause for a count of three. Continue to breathe deeply for one minute, pausing for a count of three after each inhalation and exhalation.

Or alternatively, while sitting comfortably, take a few slow deep breaths and quietly repeat to yourself “I am” as you breathe in and “at peace” as you breathe out. Repeat slowly two or three times. Then feel your entire body relax into the support of your chair.

When you’ve got two minutes

Count down slowly from 10 to 0. With each number, take one complete breath, inhaling and exhaling. For example, breathe in deeply, saying “10” to yourself. Breathe out slowly. On your next breath, say “nine”, and so on. If you feel lightheaded, count down more slowly to space your breaths further apart. When you reach zero, you should feel more relaxed. If not, go through the exercise again.

When you’ve got three minutes

While sitting, take a break from whatever you’re doing and check your body for tension. Relax your facial muscles and allow your jaw to open slightly. Let your shoulders drop. Let your arms fall to your sides. Allow your hands to loosen so there are spaces between your fingers. Uncross your legs or ankles. Feel your thighs sink into your chair, letting your legs fall comfortably apart. Feel your shins and calves become heavier and your feet grow roots into the floor. Now breathe in slowly and breathe out slowly.

Sunday, 30 September 2012


Health benefits of the Indian Gooseberry or Amla can be attributed to the high vitamin C content. Even a small single Amla fruit contains Vitamin C equivalent to that present in two oranges.
The oil extracted from Amla 
has been used for improving hair texture and preventing hair loss. Massaging oil into the head stimulates blood circulation, which helps more of the nutrients in the body reach the scalp and hair follicles. A Massage with amla oil clears away flakes on the head, softens the scalp, opens pores and encourages production of the scalp's natural oils -- this might improves or stimulate hair growth, and it helps keep the hair healthy and strong.

Studies conclude that topically applied amla has exfoliating and anti-bacterial properties and may help maintain a healthy scalp and promote hair growth. A recent research article on the Nutritional and Health benefits of Amla by Srivasuki in the Journal of Pharmacognosy says that a fixed oil obtained from the berries strengthens and promotes the growth of hair. The fruit, cut into pieces, is dried, preferably in shade and then boiled in coconut oil and the resulting oil is said to be excellent for preventing hair greying - in Ayurvedic terms, a classic sign of excess pitta dosha. The water in which dried amla pieces are soaked overnight is also said to be nourishing to the hair.

While amla oil is used in hair care products like hair oil, shampoo and conditioner. It can also benefit the hair when consumed fresh or taken internally as a dietary supplement.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

7 Healing Foods to fight common cold.

In common cold you may hesitate what foods should be taken, what not, here is a list of foods are best for fighting common cold.

1. Hot and spicy food

why? : chillis or pepper to help ease congestion.
Take half a spoon of grinded pepper with lukewarm water and this will relieve you from runny nose. Gargling pepper in warm water also help to get rid of cold virus and germs.

2. Garlic

why: This fragrant bulb contains a flavoring agent called alliin which acts as a decongestant. Garlic is also believed to act as an antioxidant and destroy free-radicals, the active oxygen molecules that damage cells.It has antiviral and anti-bacterial properties.

3. Fluids

Why: To keep you hydrated. 

4. Vitamin C sources

why: Reach for citrus fruits to increase your vitamin C intake.It increases your immunity levels .Good sources of Vit C are citrus fruits,capsicum,
 parsley, broccoli,  strawberries,  lemon juice, papaya, cauliflower, mustard greens,  Brussels sprouts and  pineapple .They can help as your daily cold-fighting food arsenal.

5. Ginger

why: Many people find fresh ginger root helps treat the coughing and fever that often accompany colds and flu. Try making a ginger tea.
One of the best home remedy for cold is to take dry ginger powder mixed with old Jaggery. This natural remedy is to be taken twice a day to get rid of running nose and cold.

6.Turmeric powder

Taking half spoon of turmeric powder twice a day is an effective home remedy for cold and flu

7. Chicken soup

why: It’s been called nature’s penicillin and is at the top of the list for its curative powers. Hot chicken soup helps clear clogged airways,

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Top 10 Foods for Women

10: Soy protein
Soy protein is found in products like tofu and soymilk ,soya nuts  and soya flour. Soy protein is heart healthy (helps lower "bad" cholesterol levels) and is rich in phytonutrients. It relieves menopausal symptoms.It helps improve bone health.It prevents breast cancer.

9: Whole grains
Whole grains are high in fiber and therefore help keep away from digestive problems that are so common in women and help in weight loss. They are beneficial in Diabetes and Heart diseases.Try to incorporate more whole grains like brown rice, wheat bran ,wheat flakes, whole wheat, barley and quinoa into your diet.

8: Foods rich in folate
Foods rich in folate like asparagus, oranges, fortified cereals and beans. Folate is important during pregnancy for ensuring proper neural tube development of the fetus and has been shown to be important for heart health.

7:Methi seeds
It eases digestion,fights infection,reduces inflammation(arthritis). It also lowers blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels.It is used as a galactogogue(milk producing agent) by nursing mothers to increase milk production in the breast

6 :Flaxseeds
Flaxseeds are rich in omega-3 fat They are a very good source of dietary fiber and manganese. They are also a good source of folate and vitamin B6 as well as the minerals magnesium, phosphorus, and copper. In addition, flax seeds are concentrated in lignan phytonutrients.It  helps in relieving menopausal hot flushes.It has anti cancer,antimicrobial activity,anti-inflammatory properties,lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

5: Nuts
Nuts are full of monounsaturated fats, which can help lower cholesterol levels, and polyunsaturated fats, which can help prevent heart disease. Plus, nuts are a good source of good fat, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, selenium, folate, vitamin E and vitamin A.

4: Green leafy vegetables
These vegetables provide important nutrients like Vit C ,A, calcium,Vitamin K , iron,folic acid,Magnesium  as well as fiber .It reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease .It protects your eyes and reduces risk of osteoporosis.

3: Fruits rich in vitamin C
These include citrus fruits, strawberries, green and red peppers, mustard greens, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, potatoes, kiwi, guava and parsley. It boosts immunity and accelerates the healing process.In addition to contributing to overall health, fruits rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant, have been linked to a decreased risk of coronary heart disease.

2: Iron-rich foods
Due to their monthly cycles, premenopausal women need more iron. Good sources of iron are green leafy veg , meat and fish,raisins ,garden cress seeds ,dried apricots

1: Calcium-rich foods
Calcium helps keep bones strong and along with regular weight-bearing exercise, helps to stave off osteoporosis. Good choices are low-fat milk and milk  products, dark green leafy vegetables ,sesame seeds , fishes maily salmon and sardines .

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Cooking tips: Ways to preserve Vitamins

Ø  Cooking at high temperature leads to destruction of nutrients and formation of harmful substances

Ø  Steaming, pressure cooking,baking,stir frying,roasting,grilling is better than frying

Ø  Do not soak the cut vegetables in water for long time

Ø  Do not discard the excess water left over after cooking

Ø  Cook food in vessels covered with lids

Ø  Avoid aluminum vessels and use iron tavas as it increases iron content in food.

Ø  Do not heat the left over oil repeatedly as it leads to formation of toxic substances.

Ø  One must refrigerate fruits and vegetables until they are to be used. Enzymes in food start destroying the vitamins once the fruit or vegetable is picked. Chilling slows this process.

Ø   Avoid cutting fruits and vegetables into very small pieces. The greater the surface area, the more is the destruction of vitamins due to its exposure to air and surroundings.

Ø  It is a common practice to throw outer leaves of lettuce and other greens. They should be preserved if they are not damaged and decayed. This is because these are higher in vitamins and minerals than the inner tender leaves or stems. The skins of potatoes and carrots are also higher in vitamins and minerals than their central part. So, one must scrub, or peel them thinly at best.

Ø  The lesser the contact with water and shorter the cooking time, the more nutrients are retained. Whenever possible, use a pressure cooker as it helps to shorten the cooking time, thereby preserving more nutrients.

Ø  It’s a myth that throwing away the water from rice after cooking helps in weight management rather this results in losing most of the vitamin B. Choose parboiled rice or brown rice over polished rice.

Ø  Do not add baking soda to vegetables while cooking to enhance green color. The alkalinity destroys vitamin C, Vit B and other vitamins.

Ø  Keep milk cold, covered, and away from strong light. Vit B 3 is lost when exposed to ultraviolet light.

Ø  Nuts, seeds and oils should be stored in cool and dark containers to avoid rancidity and loss of vitamins.

Monday, 10 September 2012

7 dont's after a meal

*    Don't smoke- 
      Experiment from experts proves that smoking a 
cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes (risk
of cancer is higher).

*    Don't eat fruits immediately – 
      Immediately eating fruits after 
meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. Therefore take 
fruit 1-2 hr after meal or 1hr before meal.
*    Don't drink tea – 
     Because tea leaves contain a high content of 
acid. This substance will cause the Protein content in the food we 
consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest and also tannins in tea inhibit absorption of iron and other nutrients.         

*    Don't loosen your belt – 
      Loosening the belt after a meal will 
easily cause the intestine to be twisted & blocked.   

*    Don't bathe – 
      Bathing will cause the increase of blood flow to 
the hands, legs & body thus the amount of blood around the stomach 
will therefore decrease.  This will weaken the digestive system in 
our stomach.               

*    Don't walk about – 
      People always say that after a meal walk a 
hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact this is not 
true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb 
the nutrition from the food we intake.       

*    Don't sleep immediately – 
      The food we intake will not be able 
to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric & infection in our 

Saturday, 8 September 2012

We are on Facebook now. Like us to follow regular updates

Hello All,

We are on Facebook now. Click on below link to Like us

Oomph Nutrition - A good life

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Thursday, 6 September 2012

Stroke Identification

You can Save someone's life


A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.


Remember the '3' steps, STR . Read and Learn!
Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster.
The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.
Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions :

S * Ask the individual to SMILE ..
T * = TALK. Ask the person to SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently) (eg 'It is sunny out today').
R * Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS .

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call the ambulance and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

NOTE : Another 'sign' of a stroke is
1. Ask the person to 'stick' out their tongue.
2. If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other that is also an indication of a stroke.

10 top side effects of Tea

  1. It causes a rise in blood pressure which in turn can result in a heart stroke and an increase in eye pressure worsening glaucoma.

  1. It increases the frequency of urination.

  1. Caffeine disturbs sleep patterns and causes insomnia.

  1.  Two cups of tea provide around 200 mg of caffeine, more than this amount is not advisable for pregnant women as it can lead to miscarriages.

  1.  Similarly, lactating women should avoid too much tea of their little ones will experience bowel irritability.

  1. It is interesting to know that adding milk to tea negates all the health effects of the beverage. This is because casein in the milk binds with the beneficial EGCG and prevents it from exercising a relaxing effect on arteries.

  1. Conditions linked with prolonged or excessive consumption of black tea include ovarian cancer, uterine cancer.

  1. It can also lead to irritable bowel syndrome and anemia.

  1. Tea leaves contain fluoride, older mature leaves contain more of the chemical that is known to cause osteofluorosis .In this disorder the risk of developing fracture of bone increases.

  1. Tea contains some amount of Aluminium so if it’s intake is high it can initiate Alzheimer’s disease.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Nutrition Facts To Live By

I have always found nutrition facts very interesting. I love to know what effect or benefit the food I'm eating is having on my body.

I don’t know about you, but I just love food! I love to eat and if I can find delicious tasting food that is really good for me too then I’m in heaven! The trick is to know what is good for you and what is not. Ever wonder what a particular food consists of and how it benefits your health?
We'll begin our nutrition facts tour by learning about macronutrients - carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

They are called macronutrients because they are nutrients that are needed in large quantities. They provide the body with energy it needs to survive and are also needed for metabolism, growth and essential body functions. All of them are equally important and we should eat them every day for good health.

Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals and are needed in smaller quantities. Then of course there is water which is vital too. The only other element possibly in our diet that provides calories is alcohol, but that isn’t necessary for survival so it’s not considered a nutrient.
Every single little molecule our body gets comes from the food we eat and water we drink. Eating the highest quality food in the right quantities helps us reach our highest potential for vitality, health and freedom from disease.

These food nutrition facts can help you to achieve a balanced diet. It may not be possible at every meal, but if you look at the day as a whole, achieving a balanced diet is not that hard.
As we’ve seen earlier, our diet is made up of carbohydrate, proteins and fats. Each one is vitally important and we shouldn’t skip any. It is always a great idea to eat protein with carbohydrates as this helps balance the blood sugar and keeps you feeling fuller for longer – which is great for maintaining a healthy body weight. Use this nutrition guide to get the best out of every meal.

Some Interesting Nutrition Facts

Carbohydrates are our body’s major source of energy. There are 2 types of carbohydrates: simple and complex.We should aim to eat more complex carbs because they are unrefined and therefore aren’t stripped of their fiber and nutrients. They are digested slowly which keeps the body’s blood sugar stable and us feeling fuller for longer. They also contain fibre which is essential for good health.
Simple carbs have been stripped of all their goodness and also digest a lot quicker which causes the body’s blood sugar level to shoot up. When the blood sugar level falls soon after we feel hungry again.

Proteins are the building blocks of the body. The body breaks the protein we eat down into amino acids of which there are 25 kinds.
The different amino acids have different functions. Some are used to build muscle and maintain cells, others make hormones, others antibodies – proteins have many very important functions in the body.
There are 2 kinds of protein – complete and incomplete proteins. To make sure we get all the protein we need it is best to eat a variety of foods rich in protein such as eggs, meat, beans, lentils, quinoa & fish.

Fats have received a lot of bad publicity, but they too are vitally important to our body. The trick is to know which fats to eat more of and which ones to limit. There are 2 kinds of fats – saturated and unsaturated fats.
Unsaturated fats are the good fats and there are 2 kinds of them too. Firstly there are polyunsaturated fats which are the omega 3 and omega 6 fats. They are essential fats which your body can’t do without. They are essential for the brain and help reduce the risk of many health dangers such as cancer and heart disease. The second good fat is monounsaturated fats. This isn’t an essential fat but is good for you. Some studies have shown that monounsaturated fats can help lower the bad LDL cholesterol level in the blood.
Saturated fats aren’t essential at all and it’s best to limit our intake of them as they can contribute to obesity, high blood cholesterol and heart disease.

Water is life! Our body consists of about 65% water and just cannot do without it. A mere 2% drop in our body’s water can trigger signs of dehydration, bad short term memory and difficulty focusing.
It is estimated that 75% of people living in America have mild constant dehydration which likely applies to half the world population. Every cell in our body depends on water for proper functioning. Our blood is mostly water and the brain, lungs and muscles all contain a lot of water. Did you know that many times thirst is confused with hunger. We may think we’re hungry, but we’re actually thirsty. What an interesting and useful nutrition fact that is!
Why is it important to drink 6-8 glasses of water daily?
  • Water is a lubricant
  • Water flushes toxins from our body
  • Water helps with digesting our food
  • Water provides a means for nutrients to travel to all the organs in the body
  • Water transports oxygen to your cells
  • Water forms the fluids around the joints which protects them
  • Water regulates body temperature through perspiration
  • Water forms the base for saliva
  • Water helps prevent constipation
  • Water regulates metabolism
  • Water prevents disease such as colon, breast & bladder cancers by up to 50%
  • Water helps with weight loss, speeding up metabolism and acting as a natural appetite suppressant
You can make up your daily water intake by drinking herbal teas and diluting 100% fruit juices with water. 

After reading this nutrition guide, you now have a broad overview of basic nutrition facts and know why we should be eating complex carbohydrates, a variety of proteins and avoiding bad fats.

It is actually pretty straight forward, just remember to take it one step at a time and most of all, enjoy it!

The best weight loss programs are nutritionally-based, promote regular exercise, and teach healthy eating guidelines and habits for life-long results.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

10 Quick Health Tips for the Office

1) Eat breakfast. Breakfast improves concentration and fuels your brain and body for the tasking day  .If you deprive your body of breakfast you may find yourself tired, dizzy and irritable .It may take you longer to carry out tasks and your sweet cravings increase.

2)Maintain correct posture. Have your feet flat on the floor. Have your hips slightly higher than your knees. Sit as far back in the chair as possible. Keep your elbows close to your body and your shoulders relaxed down. The top line of your computer monitor should be at eye level so you are looking slightly down at your screen,keep your wrists in line with your forearm.

3) Take your breaks. Breaks = peace of mind. And peace of mind = energy and focus. Energy and focus =productivity. When you sit in the same position for a long time ,your blood flow to an active muscle is impaired, the oxygen supply is diminished, which over time can impair muscle function. 

4) Your lunch –Your lunch should contain both  Protein and Carbohydrate like a traditional thali.Half the plate should be covered with vegetables (bhaji + sald), quarter plate should be protein (pulses or non veg ),quarter plate with starch (rice or rotis) and a dairy product completes a meal.

5) Eat lunch away from your desk. When you eat your lunch while responding to your emails, you may
as well be eating your emails. While eating, it is best to focus on eating. In the end, you will better digest
your food. You will also remember eating your meal and will feel more satisfied from it.

6) Don’t heat your lunch in a plastic container in the microwave. The plastics will get into your food and
increase your risk of developing cancer. If you really need to heat your food,
ask your company to buy a hotplate.

7)Cut your caffeine intake: Avoid having more than  2 cups of coffee /tea per day. Excess causes a rise in blood pressure , heart ,causes insomnia, leads to miscarriage,cancer,Alzheimer’s disease.

8) Exercise.Walk when you talk,climb stairs, do some stretching .

9) Drink green tea.It lowers cholesterol,increases metabolism,reduces B.P.,delays Alzheimer’s disease,relaxes mind ,has anti bacterial properties.

10) Snack it up. Stack up your office drawer with snacks like roasted chana,nuts,khakhra,fruits,soya nuts ,Marie biscuits.It will energize you. When you’re energy is sustained, you’ll be able to focus and be more

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

A Quick 15-Minute Workout At Home That Works!

15-minute-workout-weight-loss-tipsAll of us aim to stay fit, but more often than not, its hard to find time to go to a gym for a workout. I face this problem myself, and this is when a quick yet effective full-body workout comes to my rescue. Whether you are looking to lose a few pounds, burn fat around your tummy, or simply need a simple, quick yet effective total-body workout to keep you fit & flexible, the following exercises will definitely work for you!

This workout needs 15 mins, plus some resting time, and try to follow it three to five times per week. It keeps you agile, keeps your metabolism high, and is great for overall toning and flexibility. Add a 20 minute rigorous cardio on a treadmill or stepper.

Perform each exercise in succession, and repeat the entire routine 2 times. Try to target 15-20 repetitions per exercise, in 2-3 sets each. Start slow, with 15 reps at first, till you can easily complete 25 without feeling tired.
Lying face down on the floor, place your hands a little wider than shoulder-width apart. Your thumbs should be lined up with your chest. Your toes should be curled under, and your feet hip width apart. Avoid sagging in the midsection of your body. Breathin out, raise your body up until your arms are fully extended, then lower back down. Repeat.
Stand in front of the desk chair with your back toward the chair and feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your head up as a natural extension of your spine. Begin to sit in the chair, lowering your body until your legs are at a 90-degree angle. Contracting your quadriceps (front part of the thigh), slowly return to the starting position — stopping just short of the legs being fully extended. Keep a slight bend in the knees to prevent injuries.
Lie on your living room carpet on your back. Make sure your lower back is relaxed against the floor during the exercise. Bend your knees until your legs are at a 45-degree angle. Keep both feet on the floor and place both hands crossed on your chest. Contracting the upper abs, and breathing out, raise your head and upper torso off the floor until your shoulders are slightly lifted. Breathing in, slowly return to the starting position, stopping just short of your head touching the floor. Focus on really contracting your abs during the movement!
Stand facing the wall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on the wall so that your fingers are slightly lower than your shoulders. Your hands should be close enough that your thumbs and index fingers form a triangle. Your feet should be a distance from the wall that forces your body to be at an angle slightly greater than parallel. Bend your elbows downward and lean your upper body toward the wall — making sure to project your chest forward. Your arms should be supporting your body. Stop the motion when your face nearly touches the wall and your chest touches your hands. Contracting the triceps muscles, slowly return to the starting position, stopping just short of the elbows being fully extended.
In a seated position, exhale all the air from your lungs. After completely exhaling, pull the abdomen inward and hold for 20-30 seconds. Continue to breathe lightly through your nostrils, but make sure you are pulling your abs in as if you are attempting to make your abs and back touch. This exercise works the transversus, the main muscle that pulls your abs in, exremely effective for creating a flat stomach.
These 5 exercises, when performed correctly at least 3-5 times a week will help tighten your muscles and rev up your metabolism. Indeed, 15 mins well utilised! Hope this helps you maintain a healthy body, even when you don’t have time to go to the gym. This may not be the best workout routine, but it sure helped me in crunch times, and I’m sure it’ll help you too. After all, with this 15-minute workout in hand, there’s just no excuse for not exercising, right?