Thursday 31 January 2013


Getting creative in the kitchen is an essential component of healthy cooking. These three simple techniques will help keep you on a healthy track and also create satisfying meals without sacrificing flavor.

Sub in citrus: Fresh citrus juice has so many applications in the kitchen. Instead of topping your favorite vegetables with heavy sauces or cheese, try lemon or lime juice to add bright flavors. Lemon and orange juice also make delicious bases to light and tasty salad dressings. This way you can forget the store-bought stuff that is heavier in calories and fat. Try this citrus-lime dressing in your next salad.

For the Citrus Lime Dressing
1/2 cup olive oil
2 tbsp lime juice
1/4 orange, juiced
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp fresh ground pepper
1 tbsp honey
1 tsp oregano
Bake your favorites: Frying is not an ideal technique for everyday eating. Baking in the oven is more time consuming, but the benefits make it worth the effort. You can bake puris,samosa,non veg etc.
Wet sauté: To save calories and add a new depth of flavor to your vegetables, forget the oil and use vegetable broth instead. A general rule is to use twice as much vegetable broth as oil. Add fresh chopped herbs or a sprig of thyme to freshen up the flavor even more.
Are you getting serious about your health this year?



Sleeping on your back
The pros: This position is great for balancing out your body weight and keeping your internal organs aligned. Just be sure to keep a pillow under your knees to help maintain proper alignment of your back.

Sleeping on your side
The pros: Lying on your side in the fetal position with your knees bent and a pillow between your legs is said to take stress off your back. What's important is that you use a pillow that will keep your head in a neutral position so that your head won't drop and affect your posture. And did you know that sleeping on your left side reduces heartburn pain and is best when you're pregnant since it increases blood and nutrient flow to your baby?This position follows the natural curvature of the spine.


Sleeping on your stomach
Sleeping on your stomach is a BIG NO-NO . Sleeping on your stomach flattens the natural curve in the lower back and keeps your head turned to one side all night, which distorts the alignment of the spine in your neck. This position can also exert unnecessary pressure on your nerves which will cause pins and needles when you wake up.

Monday 28 January 2013


Boost Your Body's Defenses

Your immune system is important. Very much like your own personal army, it guards your body against attacks from invaders (like bacteria, fungi, and viruses), defending against infections and several kinds of cancer. But just like any other body system , your immune system can deteriorate if you don’t treat it well. Keep it functioning at its peak performance, so you can stay healthy, too, by following these six steps.

1. Eat Right
In theory, this one is pretty simple: Eat just enough of the right foods when you feel hungry.
Just as important as how much you’re eating, is what foods you’re eating. Some nutrients and foods that have been found to enhance the immune system include Vitamins  A,C,E,Zinc,Omega 3

2. Exercise Regularly
Numerous studies show that regular exercise reduces the number of sick days. Exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous to provide these benefits—in fact moderate exercise may even achieve a better result,for eg walk for 30- 45 min 5 days a week.

3. Get Enough Sleep
Deep sleep stimulates and energizes the immune system, while sleep deprivation has the opposite effect. According to the National Institutes of Health, the average adult needs between 6 and 8 hours a night

4. Manage Stress
 According to the National Institutes of Health, hormones (like cortisol) that hang around during chronic stress can put us at risk for obesity, heart disease, cancer, and a variety of other illnesses. So find a way to de stress
 a few times per week, whether you exercise, practice yoga, meditate, or take a relaxing bath.

5. Quit Smoking
Smoking and using tobacco products
 contributes to a host of health problems, and this is one more you can add to your list for reasons to quit.

6. Consume Alcohol in Moderation
Clinical and Experimental Research states that alcohol abuse can also lead to immunodeficiency, making you more susceptible to bacterial pneumonia, tuberculosis, and other communicable diseases. But the moderate use of alcohol (one drink daily for women, and two for men) has not been associated with negative effects on the immune system.

7.Drink Your Water

Water helps to cleanse the body and remove toxins, including germs. By keeping body systems, especially the respiratory system, well hydrated, you can enhance your virus-fighting potential. Aim for 8 10 glasses a day to help fend off germs! 

8.Lose Weight

Research  has shown that obesity prevents the immune system from functioning properly, increasing its vulnerability to infection. In a study, obese mice were 50 percent less capable of killing the flu virus, compared to lean mice. The researchers believe that the same holds true in humans.

Friday 25 January 2013


Beetroot, cherries,rasberries, pomegranates, red apples, red capsicum , red onions, red radishes, strawberries, tomatoes and watermelon. This group contains lycopene, an antioxidant that helps protect against cancer and heart disease. Foods in this group may also help reduce the risk of complications from diabetes, help control high blood pressure and slow the effects of aging.

Beets, blackberries, prunes, cranberries, plums, purple cabbage, brinjal. This group contains anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that help reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. They may also help reduce your risk of certain cancers, complications from diabetes and age-related memory loss.

3) Green
All leafy vegetables, beans, broccoli, cabbage, capsicum, green apples, kiwi, green pears, lime, olives, and green peas,cucumber. This group contains sulfurorphane, isothiocyanates and indoles which may help reduce your risk of cancer. Green/Yellow fruits and vegetables also contain lutein and carotenoids that help fight age-related vision problems. Leafy greens are also a good source of iron, folate, calcium, vitamin K, A and C.

4) Yellow/Orange
Apricots, carrots, oranges,papaya, golden apple, lemon, pear, pineapple, pumpkin, yellow capsicum and yellow tomatoes are excellence source of yellow food. These are rich in Alpha carotene, Beta carotene, Beta cryptoxanthin, Vitamin C, and Bioflavonoids.These nutrients protect against cancer and heart disease as well as contributes to good vision, healthy skin, healthy bones and teeth and a healthy immune system.

5) White
The good source of white food are, cauliflower, onions, ginger, mushroom, turnip, garlic, white corn,radish . This group contains allicin, which helps fight infection as well as flavonoids, powerful antioxidants that help protect against cancer and heart disease.

Thursday 24 January 2013

Monday 21 January 2013

Oomph Nutrition - FB Page

Hello People,

We are active on FB. Do follow us for regular updates on Health & Nutrition. We will be soon live with our website.


Mitalee Doshi
Nutrition & Wellness Expert

Sunday 20 January 2013

Probiotics: A Billion Good Bugs

Friendly Bacteria for Your Digestive System

Our digestive system is home to more than 500 different bacterial species, which help keep our intestinal linings healthy and assist in breaking down and processing food. These beneficial organisms help regulate a healthy immune response, to keep us from getting sick, and assist in maintaining a strong immune system. These little guys, commonly referred to as probiotics , help reduce the growth of harmful bacteria and promote a healthy digestive system. That’s right! Probiotics are live bacteria with clinically-documented health benefits.

Health Benefits
It appears that when the digestive system is kept healthy, other body systems greatly benefit as well. Probiotics may:
·        Protect against infection
·        Enhance and boost the immune system
·        Promote and improve digestive health
·        Alleviate diarrhea caused by antibiotic treatments
·        Promote urinary and genital health
·        Assist in the management of inflammation
·        Help alleviate symptoms of lactose intolerance
·        Improve some types of eczema in infants and children
·        Reduce cholesterol levels
·        Decrease the risk of certain cancers

  • Curd
  • Miso-It is made from fermented Soy.It is used in Japanese cuisine.Probiotic filled miso contains more than 160 bacteria strains.It's often used to make soup 
  • Kefir-A fermented milk product contains a mixture of beneficial bacteria and yeasts.Similar to yogurt, this fermented dairy product is a unique combination of goat milk and fermented kefir grains. High in lactobacilli and bifidus bacteria, kefir is also rich in antioxidants.
  • Sauerkraut-It is fermented cabbage used in German cuisine. sauerkraut is not only extremely rich in healthy live cultures, but also aids in reducing allergy symptoms. Sauerkraut is also rich in vitamins B, A, E and C.
  • Yakult(Commercially available probiotic drink )
  • Probiotic powder and capsules are also available
·      Tempeh -A great substitute for meat or tofu, tempeh is a fermented, probiotic made from soy beans. A great source of vitamin B12, this vegetarian food can be sautéed, baked or eaten crumbled on salads. If prepared correctly, tempeh is also very low in salt, which makes it an ideal choice for those on a low-sodium diet.


Friday 18 January 2013


High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)
Over the last couple decades, HFCS has slowly replaced sugar in our diets. Corn subsidies and tariffs on sugar are just a couple of the reasons why high fructose corn syrup is cheaper to produce. HFCS is widely used in processed foods as a sweetener. Unfortunately, high consumption of fructose causes an increase in triglycerides, blood pressure, and inflammation markers .

Artificial Sweeteners
Artificial sweeteners have caused more confusion than just about any other food. Are they OK to eat? Do they cause cancer? Is Stevia natural or artificial? For every study showing a link to cancer, there is another one showing a lack of clear evidence. Your best bet is to avoid such an unproven food product. It took decades to show a clear link to cancer for some sweeteners. Do you really want to take a chance on another new and unproven one?

Hydrogenated Oils
Hydrogenating oils is the process of adding hydrogen to unsaturated fats.It contains trans fat. Hydrogenated oils are still being used in vast quantities to give better consistency to foods, and to improve shelf-lives like biscuits,cakes,fried foods and other many other snacks. Trans fats have been linked to an increased risk of Heart disease,Diabetes,Cancer to name a few. Read the food label ingredients. Just because it says 0 grams of fat, it doesn’t mean there are no hydrogenated oils. The FDA allows anything under .5 grams to be reported as a zero. Read carefully.

Nitrites are used heavily as a food additive to help preserve meats. They also change the color and taste of the food. Some will argue that nitrites are naturally occurring in food. While this may be true in some cases, the whole foods that contain the nitrites naturally also have antioxidants that prevent the formation of nitrosamines. Nitrosamines are the real killers. Nitrate ingestion has been linked to impaired thyroid function, vitamin A and E metabolism interference, and reduced brain activity .

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
MSG is used as a flavor enhancer in foods esp in Chinese. The bad news is that MSG is not clearly labeled on food packaging. MSG is hidden in many foods. Animals treated with MSG developed brain lesions, caused stunted skeletal development and weight gain, and disrupted the neural centers responsible for hormone function .

Artificial Colors and Flavors
Artificial colors and flavors are used by food manufacturers to add visual appeal, taste, and smell to foods. By combining certain chemicals together, “chemists” can create a near endless variety of flavors. Anything on a label that says artificial should be avoided, and if you see a color such as blue, red, or yellow, avoid those too. Artificial colors and flavors promote hyperactivity in children and may be a leading cause of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder .

Benzoate Preservatives (BHA/BHT)
BHA is used in food to help prevent oils from going rancid. BHT is “reasonably anticipated to be a carcinogen” by many organizations and states (California), and is also used to produce fuel, petroleum products, and embalming fluid. BHA has been shown to grow cancer cells, and contributes to ADHD symptoms .

Thursday 17 January 2013


Osteoporosis causes bones to become weak and brittle — so brittle that a fall or even mild stresses like bending over or coughing can cause a fracture. Usually the bone loses density, which measures the amount of calcium and minerals in the bone. Osteoporosis-related fractures most commonly occur in the hip, wrist or spine.
What causes Osteoporosis
Your bones are in a constant state of renewal — new bone is made and old bone is broken down. When you're young, your body makes new bone faster than it breaks down old bone and your bone mass increases. Most people reach their peak bone mass by their early 20s. As people age, bone mass is lost faster than it's created.
Here are few  tips on doing a lifestyle check to see if you might reduce your risk by improving your habits.

Bone Health and Your Lifestyle Habits

Your everyday habits -- good and bad -- affect bone health. How do your habits stack up?
·                                 Vitamin D and calcium. Calcium is one of the important minerals needed for bones to form. If you do not get enough calcium and vitamin D , your bones may become brittle and more likely to fracture. 
·                                 Fruits and vegetables. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables provides you with magnesium, potassium, and vitamin K -- all good things for bone health.
·                                 Protein. Very high amounts of non-dairy animal protein can weaken the bones. As it makes body acidic.To neutralize acid,Calcium is removed from bones and it is lost in urine.Sufficient protein is important for bone health. 
·                                 Caffeine. When used in excess, caffeine can threaten bone health.It includes tea ,coffee ,cold drinks.
·                                 Alcohol. Excess alcohol intake can decrease bone formation. If you are tipsy from the alcohol, you're more likely to fall. In older people, falls are linked with broken bones.
·                                 Activity level. Physical activity can help keep bones strong. If you're not an exerciser, ask your doctor for guidance on doing weight-bearing exercises such as fast walking. Ask about lifting weights or other muscle-strengthening exercises. Both types are good for your bones.
·                                 Smoking. Smokers absorb less calcium, which is bad for the bones.  


Osteoporosis Tests and Diagnosis

To make a diagnosis, a doctor will usually take a full medical history, order a bone density test, and possibly other tests.

Wednesday 16 January 2013


Benefits of Drinking Water

Why is water so important for fat loss? First, let’s look at what role it plays in our body. Water makes up close to 70% of our body, and our organs contain an even higher percentage of water. The liver, for example, is nearly 95% comprised of water. Water shuttles nutrients throughout our body and helps rid it of toxins. It helps to assimilate the water-soluble vitamins, and it regulates our body temperature. Water lubricates joints, helps with digestion, and promotes healthy skin. There are too many benefits to drinking water to list. It plays a role in every chemical reaction within our cells.

Drinking Water Reduces Water Retention

When your body doesn’t get enough water, it holds onto what it has. Water retention is the result. This is a simple survival mechanism. Your body has a tendency to hold onto and store what it doesn’t think it will get in the future. Once you start drinking more water, your body recognizes that it is getting a steady external supply, and it starts letting go of the water weight it’s been holding. That water retention in your waist, face, and ankles is released because there is no longer a reason for your body to store it.

Water Makes You a More Efficient Fat Burner

Do you remember that fact earlier that your liver is nearly 95% water? I can’t emphasize how important your liver is to your body. The liver breaks down toxins and removes them from the body. It stores fat soluble vitamins. And most importantly it has a huge role in carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism. Your liver is responsible for breaking down fatty acids and transporting them to the blood to be metabolized.
What does water have to do with the liver? With the liver being so important for fat oxidation, it is imperative that we are keeping it running at 100% efficiency. When you don’t drink enough water, your kidneys, which are also responsible for removing toxins and waste material, cannot fully function. As a result, your liver has to pick up the slack. If your liver has to work twice as hard to remove toxins, fat metabolism is not going to be able to function 100% efficiently.
Studies have shown that just slight dehydration can hugely impact exercise performance. Sometimes being hydrated is the difference between getting those last two reps, putting an extra five pounds on the bar, or running that km 30 seconds faster. It may not seem like much of a difference, but that better workout you just had as a result of being fully hydrated, just built you some muscle. In return, that muscle is now burning more fat for you, even while you rest.Your metabolism also gets boosted.

How much water should you drink to lose weight?

So make sure you are drinking enough water to support your fat loss goals. Aim for 10-12 glasses of water .Keep the water bottle to your left to sip on throughout the day. You may not be thirsty at first, but as your body starts to let the water go that it’s been holding onto, you’ll notice that you’re thirsty more often.

Tuesday 15 January 2013


For something so small, flaxseed has big benefits. Recent studies have shown that flaxseed, known to the world for thousands of years, may aid in lowering cholesterol, stabilizing blood sugar, reducing bone loss, promoting weight loss, increasing immunity, and fighting cancer,
Flaxseed is high in:
·                       Vitamins and minerals, including most of the B vitamins, magnesium, and manganese
·                       Fiber, both soluble and insoluble
·                       Phytochemicals, including many powerful antioxidants such as lignans. In fact, because it’s a plant, flaxseed is one of the best sources of lignans .
·                       Omega-3 fatty acids, key to fighting inflammation. Flaxseed is a mega-source of the plant version of omega-3 . Flaxseed oil has about 50 percent Omega 3— five times more than walnut oil or canola oil, which are the next highest sources of Omega 3.

Flaxseed Benefits

Flaxseed may:
·                       Lower blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels. The soluble fiber in flaxseed has been shown to lower cholesterol, helping to prevent the buildup of plaque, which can clog arteries and lead to high blood pressure, stroke, or heart attack. Fiber is also believed to lower blood sugar levels, which is important for people who have type 2 diabetes.
·                       Reduce bone loss. A study of diabetic rats showed a delay in bone loss after they were fed flaxseed, thanks to its concentration of fatty acids.
·                       Help with weight management. Flax expands when ingested, making you feel fuller. You can take flaxseeds 30 minutes before meals to control your appetite.
·                       Improve digestive health. The fiber in flaxseed can help relieve constipation and make you more regular.
·             Improve Menopausal Symptoms
Flax, like soy, is a phytoestrogen. Phytoestrogens are estrogen-like substances that are found in plants. Phytoestrogens act as a natural hormone therapy and help to stabilize hormonal levels. This stabilization of hormonal levels helps to lesson the symptoms of menopause like Hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, moodiness .
·                       Increase immunity. Omega 3 has been shown to decrease inflammation, which allows your immune system to function better. Preliminary research suggests that flaxseed can help relieve autoimmune and inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and lupus.
·                       Fight cancer. Studies show that flaxseed may have a role in fighting cancer, particularly colon and breast cancer. The benefit is based on its high concentration of lignans, which are believed to inhibit tumor growth.

Using Flaxseed

Flaxseed should be ground before consumption as  your body is better able to digest it. Whole flaxseed may pass through your intestine undigested, which means you won't get all the health benefits. Ground flaxseed should be kept in an airtight container in the refrigerator; it should be good for about 90 days.You should be 1 tbsp ie 3 tsp ground flaxseed daily .One tablespoon of ground flaxseed provides 1.6 grams of omega-3 fatty acids and provides 36 calories.
Because flaxseed is high in fiber, when adding it to your diet, start with small amounts and increase it slowly. Drink plenty of water. As flaxseed is good source of  soluble fiber it is important to drink plenty of water when eating flaxseeds, otherwise constipation may result.

How to add Flaxseed in Your Diet

Flaxseed has a light, nutty taste. Here are some ways to add it to the foods you already eat and enjoy:
·                       Sprinkle flaxseed on your cold cereal or hot oatmeal at breakfast.
·                       Sprinkle on salads or in soups.
·                       Mix a tablespoon of ground flaxseed into your curd.
Flaxseed is a great way to get fiber and important nutrients into your diet. Experiment with it in your favorite recipes to boost their nutrition profile.